Davidson GOP Holds January Movie Night Featuring Daily Wire's Documentary BLM: The Greatest Lie Ever Sold

(LEXINGTON, NC)--The Davidson GOP continues to see growing numbers of attendees at its staple events held each month. One of those events is their Monthly Movie Night which has consistently grown in popularity since its inception late last year. So far, the Davidson GOP Team has shown Matt Walsh's What is a Woman?, the election integrity analysis film 2000 Mules and now Candace Owens' exploration of BLM's propagation of the false narrative of wide-spread police brutality in BLM: The Greatest Lie Ever Sold

At the Davidson GOP's January Movie Night Candace Owens' enlightening documentary was shown to a crowd of of regulars and new attendees followed by a discussion of the film's claims. Attendees were understandably perturbed by the film, its examination of the George Floyd Arrest and tracing of BLM's expenditures over the past year including the purchase of multi-million dollar mansions, funneling millions to trans rights organizations and investing $30+ million into the stock market. Overall, a review of information that would never make it to the public through traditional mainstream media outlets. 

After the success of past monthly movie nights, the Davidson GOP would like to invite interested Republicans to their next movie night on February 16th, 2023. The movie has yet to be determined but will surely feature a topic ripe for discussion.