Davidson GOP February Meeting Packs the House with NC Faith and Freedom Coalition's Dr. Paul Brintley

(LEXINGTON, NC)--Tonight, the Davidson GOP packed the house at Ocean View Seafood for its February Monthly Meeting along with their featured guest Dr. Paul Brintley of the North Carolina Faith and Freedom Coalition. The energy in the room was palpable with conservatives from all over the area coming to show support for their party and each other. After reviewing the old business from the previous month's meeting, Chairman Christopher Jessup gave the floor to several of the Davidson GOP Team Members to highlight the forward-thinking initiatives that they will be working on as they move into 2023.

Ann Stokes, the voter outreach coordinator, updated attendees on a plan to help high school students register to vote and other events where the Davidson GOP could have a presence to engage the public. Next, Vince Cvijanovic discussed with everyone the progress of the Davidson GOP's establishment of a building fund to help keep the GOP Headquarters open consistently throughout the year to serve as a gathering place for conservatives all over the county. Lastly, Vice-Chair John Spillman gave an update on the growth of the party's social media presence indicating that the Davidson GOP has seen unprecedented growth over the past month with approximately +200k unique interactions for their posts and reaching the milestone of 7,500 followers on Facebook making them the #1 followed county party in North Carolina.

Then, Dr. Paul Brintley took the floor and discussed the importance of the North Carolina Faith and Freedom Coalition's outreach programs in our state along with a short introduction of himself illustrating why it is important to support conservative values and a Biblical Worldview. "We push a Biblical worldview...We want to make sure that belief system is there for our candidates, we want to make sure that the values are there, but most important, we want to make sure that there behavior is there, " stated Dr. Brintley. Lastly, Dr. Ron Baity led a prayer for our local congressmen who are working steadfastly to sign into law a ban on abortion after the 14th week of pregnancy.

Overall, this month's Davidson GOP Meeting was a success, and there are certainly great things on the horizon. If you are interested in joining the Davidson GOP for one of their monthly events, check out their event calendar. For more information on the NC Faith and Freedom Coalition, visit their website at ncfaithandfreedom.com.